Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Usually it is easier speak than doing something...

I used to hear usually topics related with “protecting the environment “, but just that, I`ve never seen the people doing something for it…like the people used to say… it is easier speak than doing something…
I cannot do so many things to protect the environment, because all the things I can do are related with technology or something like that, so if I have to do something I`m increasing the pollution…now I remember something I used to do for the “protection”, is throw the garbage inside the dustbin… I do it because I think is comfortable for all the people, because I used to think it has a funny smell if the garbage is piled up and something related with this topic…
Concerning with the government … I think is not necessary that somebody else must to tell you what to do… I suppose you know what things you have to do. The government just has to make us remember the things we have to do and the things we cannot do… you must to use your mind and think about what is the better thing for you and for the rest of the people… I used to believe the people use the government as an excuse…
Recycling is not so common think that the people do in Chile, but if you see some places used with the purpose of recycling …it happen with things like the paper, the glass and the plastic… I mean, I have just seen this kind of recycling…
I think the average people used to throw the garbage into the dustbin… separating the plastics of the rest of the garbage... and I think that is all… I just know the people really like to waste the electric energy… waste all the water that they can do…
We cannot go back to the past situation of the planet, we cannot stop all the problems that we have made, but we can stop to waste the natural resources …

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I did not used to come to Santiago… and now I have to live here because I am studying here… so I´ve accustomed to stay here the most of my time… this place is not too different to Rancagua, where I used to study, the fact is that this place is near…
I like about Santiago…mmm…that I am studying here…so, this… I do not want to scorn the peoples´ things who live here, just I say I´ve seen more beautiful places than Santiago, mi opinion is not just about aesthetic, just I appreciate the quiet places and to stay with my closest people … I just want to say that now I would like to be in my home…
What I dislike is to stay “alone” here, I say alone because I had the habit to stay at home with my parents, sometimes I miss them, but I have to be stronger … and now I use to be quiet.
I am not sure if I can change this city, because I love the country and I do not know if I could destroy all the building and to plant so much tree and flowers.
I would give some tips to the tourist, the first I think it could be like… Do not come to here! Is not necessary if you do not have to do it! You can stay quiet in your home! If you could be with you family in your home you have to enjoy it! Here is not important things if you dislike material things, always is important your place! Usually you cannot understand it, but when you can understand it is too little too late! … The last one is not my case, but I think it happens…
I hope that someone could understand me…

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The greatest person...

Today we must to talk about somebody who I think is the greatest chilean of all time… this topic is really difficult for me, because I think all the people can do something to turn the actual country in a better place, I think is not necessary to be a famous person or somebody like that.
The people always are doing something for somebody else, you are working, you are helping, you are being a friend, is not necessary to appear on the TV or on the mass medias to be a good person, because somewhere, somebody is doing something… and this  can be a good action for themselves and for somebody I `ve said before.
For example, somewhere is a mother/father trying to give her/his wisdom to their childs, a doctor is taking care of an ill person, a teacher is trying to do a contribution to the society sharing their knowledge to a young people, you friends are supporting to you, when you are happy and when you are sad, a “dreamer” is explaining her/his idea of a better wolrd to other person… always is somebody doing a good action to contribute to the social welfare.
I could tell you if somebody could be a great person, this happend because their or you family – not only the parents, the family are the people you consider your closest people, for example- has contributed you became in you are at the moment.
I think is not just that we could mention only one person to be the better or the greatest chilean of all time, when all the people is trying to do something good for the rest of the people…

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I`m a...What???

Well… I`m a monkey … I`m not a really monkey, just I say this because according to the Chinese zodiac I`m a monkey due to my birthday… I insist, I`m not a real monkey… something there is strange…
I don`t use to read my horoscope, just when I remember to do it I read it… What I do usually is read a kind of daily oracle (or something like that) is funny, just I can understand the phrase when is too late, is not really late, but the sentence have sense for me when the day is over J
I`m disagree with the description, with “my description”, the monkey description… whatever … maybe something related with the Chinese horoscope is right.
I`m disagree with I`m a mischievousness person, I don`t use to be a joker, I don`t use to have troubles, I don`t prefer the urban life, I really love the country (there is my home), I`m not a promiscuous person and I don`t like relationships.
I`m agree with the description about the cleverness  J , the Chinese horoscope is right when it says about when I`m ill is because I’m nervous, I`m really sensitive person, sometimes I feel the troubles of the other person like my own troubles.  I think I use to be a sensitive person, because everything I do, I do it thinking I don`t want to hurt somebody else, this is the reason why I don`t plane jokes (just sometimes…) and I don`t like to be on troubles… I love the country -and not the urban side- because there is my parents and my family, there are my memories and my childhood, for this reason I come back there every day I can.
The Chinese zodiac is not so correct… I don`t think every monkeys are the same...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stonehenge mystery ... (*)

Some people think the archaeology is a strange science, because you have to infer the happens of the past...

Now I can show you a topic related with Stonehege with the sponsorship of The Guardian.
Stonehenge have been researched by archaeologists who believe this place is more than the object, they believe it have symbolic meaning.
The originals grave`stones were located in the Preseli hills in west Wales. Related with this, archaeologists believes an important person was buried there (this part going to be explained at the ending).
The archaeologist researcheres are Tim Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright, who have been researching during 10 years. The Stonehenge`pieces have been sited there about 4,500 years ago, that knowledge was acquired by the professors on 2008.
Concerning with this, the professors  are believing the stones have a healing powers. If the stones was carried from Wales to the actual place, it suposse both places are linked, because was discovered a circle underneath Stonehenge and this line was there before the stones was sited. This is a hypothesis. Other hypothesis related with Stonehenge include the important person who was mentioned at the beginning.
If you  consider the shape of the place, you can realized the stones are protecting something and in the middle, something like a burial, so, the archaeologist believe  in the middle of the place was buried the architect of Stonhenge.

...The people`thoughts wasn`t too wrong...

(*)  The Guardian (2012). Available on :