Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Usually it is easier speak than doing something...

I used to hear usually topics related with “protecting the environment “, but just that, I`ve never seen the people doing something for it…like the people used to say… it is easier speak than doing something…
I cannot do so many things to protect the environment, because all the things I can do are related with technology or something like that, so if I have to do something I`m increasing the pollution…now I remember something I used to do for the “protection”, is throw the garbage inside the dustbin… I do it because I think is comfortable for all the people, because I used to think it has a funny smell if the garbage is piled up and something related with this topic…
Concerning with the government … I think is not necessary that somebody else must to tell you what to do… I suppose you know what things you have to do. The government just has to make us remember the things we have to do and the things we cannot do… you must to use your mind and think about what is the better thing for you and for the rest of the people… I used to believe the people use the government as an excuse…
Recycling is not so common think that the people do in Chile, but if you see some places used with the purpose of recycling …it happen with things like the paper, the glass and the plastic… I mean, I have just seen this kind of recycling…
I think the average people used to throw the garbage into the dustbin… separating the plastics of the rest of the garbage... and I think that is all… I just know the people really like to waste the electric energy… waste all the water that they can do…
We cannot go back to the past situation of the planet, we cannot stop all the problems that we have made, but we can stop to waste the natural resources …


  1. We can do it now!! But first, we have to want to get a green conscience

  2. I liked your conclusion, we can't keep regreting about what have we done...We just did it, now we must try to fix it. Maybe the world be like before in the future (sounds weird doesn't it)...maybe not. We still must try it.

  3. Inguer. I am surprised you think people know what to do and what recycling means. You'd be suprised at what you can hear...

  4. I think goverment must give more information, maybe people do not do a lot of things because they dont have idea about what can they do and how.

  5. I think that the people say many things, but really they aren`t interesed in the environment, I think because the people think they are very little for change the word. But I think each person can help to environment.

  6. I agree with Daniela, people underestimate the contribution that they can do.

  7. I think that some people really don't know how bad they are doing to the planet. Because nobody has said them ever or they have never raised it. For example, my ex-boyfriend lived in the field and they didn't have to pay for water, the water was free. And as they wasted it @__@. I told him it was wrong, to spend so the water, that to close the keys, that don't leave the water flowing. He don't think in the damage that he do to the environment when they blew the water, only in that he hasn't to pay for this.
    This is only a example. But seriously some people think that recycling are "stupid" or a "hippies thing". Although it may seem an absurd for you.
    So I think that is really necessary to educate about ecological conscience.

    But yes, definetely is more easy talk than to do this.
