Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mmm... Christmas...

Well,  first I have to  say I come from otherside (I`m not  Santiagos`native), so I had to came back to my hause, because it`s  localized on Doñihue. It was on the Friday evening.
The Saturdays` night I was with all the family in the goodparents` houses  and there we did so many things.
First we had a dinner, I have to say we are almost 30 people, so we had to form  3 groups, in the first did stay the adult people, the second did stay very young people and a couple of adults to take care of them, and in the last one did stay the teenage people and me.
Then, we played secret friend betwen all the families and betwen all the child. There, the sense of the play was give a gift  and it have to content a symbolic meaning, this situation is very nice, because is not just a gift, is more then this, is something you can remember, because we had to describe the family`s gift.
On Sunday we had a lunch together and then we played on the swimming pool all afternoong long. Since I study in the university that I had not time to share with all the family, this was a very nice moment and I`m planning to come back and do it again.
I loved, I`m loving and I`l love the sense of the Christmas in my house, because, like I said, is not just about gifts, it`s about the meaning. I think it would be of this way on the Christmas and everyday

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mmm... language...

Related with the topic developed by Mark Pagel I can say that language is not just this, language is bigger than just talk and communicating.
If you use this topic in the anthropology, I could say the language can communicate a people context.  When you talk you are saying what you are thinking and why you think of this way.
The language can reproduce the behaviors of the people like Mr. Pagel says, you are teaching and learning at the same moment, as I said, language is more than just talk.
If you want to apply what I said to the Chilean society, we can observe that the different social class uses different kind of words to express oneself and the same thing reproduces the same behavior inside the same social class. For this reason you can differentiate the kind of people and at the same moment you can classify them, because you understand the each social class code.
Now, if we can understand the different social class codes we could take a thought and use it to complement what you know, concerning to the wise, and after you could give the tool which you built and give it to the society to change what something is wrong.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

BBC website…

At the moment I think is necessary to learn english, at least I need to do it. I didn`t know a web site to learn more about it, but now I know the BBC website.
There I could find everything  I need (I know I`m a little exaggerate) and I think is interesting, because I could see a video related with volcanoes (link:  words in the news),  although I know this is not important of the majority of the people, but I don`t care.
There (BBC website) I could learn some “technical terms” that for me is necessary to know , like: shimmering, lava, a vent, erupt and forecast. Then you see the video, you have to do an activity (if you want, but remember… is necessary)  and it consist of to complete the sentences with the words I`ve  mentioned. The result was not too bad  (I think so), because just I`ve had problem s with past`s word (ending :ed - eruped), I think the americans or people like they could understand I want to say, they can infer it or …they don`t?

Friday, July 1, 2011


At the moment the education en Chile is one of the most important topics. The educational system have problems and this can show when we want to get something, we do it together and we would do possible and impossible ´things.
The problem related to the education have existed since immemorial times, but is more complex in Chile since the 70´s, when the Secretary of the Treasury, as a way to make better the happen of this moment, he decided privatize all, and this included the education.
One of these problems is the institutions influenced by the Economic system at the moment. Then, the origin of the actual education is with the objective of get money and this boost the inequality.
We can talk about meritocracy and we can imagine this would help us to get the equality, but appear a problem when we say all of us have the same opportunities to reach our goals. If we want to get equality related to opportunities, first we must to have the same bases in all the topics, but this won´t happen. Since the beginning, all we get is related with the money we have, and this is a limit for we want. Is probably all of us have access to education, but influenced with economy, appear different things we would get. If you want to have the best thing, you have to pay too much, because is expensive, if you don´t, you would have other thing, but this isn´t the best. The majority of the people don´t have too much money, so we have to pay the things we can pay.
Now, we would imagine which we said before, but now related with the education.
As the majority the families cannot access to the best, this children study in a public school. The people all their lifes hear if they want to get something, it depends of themselves. The differences are evident when you want to study in a University. For this goal you have to compete with all the students and this include the ones of the public school and the            private school, where generally you can apply a rule: while more you can pay for education, better is your education. Then, if we have the same opportunities to study in an university so, why we are less students in the university respect to the all the young people? My answer is… because we cannot access to the same opportunities, and this situation create new and more differences.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Children, education and creativity...

Is curious the interview to Sir Ken Robinson is about the topic of education, because it want to say this topic is not just in Chile as at the moment, the topic is related with too much countries, but about different “places”, I mean different postures about it. This interview is interesting, but I want to comment some points about his opinion about the creativity and the education in a school.
Respect “of be wrong” like said Sir Robinson in the interview, I think the children have to be wrong at least once in them life, because I believe the mistake make you strong and later, when you are living the same situation you can say: “ I lived a similar situation, now I know what I have to do”. The mistakes make you take a good choice to do something or take a decision.
Sir Robinson thinks creativity is just about the arts and I do not think so. You can be like an artist being a humanist or studying math, I do not think is necessary know arts to be creative. Each people have different ways to show her/him ingenious. They can write, speak, paint, dance, sing, run, learn, etc., depend of you if you are creative, what you do depend of the way you do which are you doing, with passion, interesting or other.
When a person want to educate to her/him daughter/son in a school, in this moment something happen with the kid. When a kid start to studying in a school, there the people who teach are limiting the creativity of the children, are telling them how they have to be and what they have to do.
I think is necessary to learn something about all and I consider when you are learning something new, you can show what you know as you want, always remembering the respect to the other people.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well… now I have Freedom and I do not know what I can write… ok…
Somebody has said when the people have freedom to talk about something, we use to have problems, and I believe him, because at the moment I have problems to talk about something. I do not want to say I have problems with my freedom, just I want to say when we have limits, sometimes is easier to do something.
For me, is very common to hear the people when a professor told us we have to do a test about a topic you want. I think this situation happen because you want to talk about everything and you do not know what you have to say, I think is a problem with main ideas about all you’ll say. I have survivors of this situation! He he he.
Sometimes we have too much to say and sometimes we do not. Sometimes we think we can vomit too many words in the same moment and other times we do not know how we can say something, because we want to say is bigger than a word we would use. For this situations, some people write songs, poems or do things to explain what´s happening them, and something like this… Sometimes just we want to stay quiet and in silence. These situations happen, I do not think so very often, but happen.
We have to say all we want respecting the people who is next to you, some people do this, but this show a problem sometimes, because the people think you are a bad person. I think when you say which you want to say you can feel relaxing and feel better with you and with the other people… my thoughts… J

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



ell… I do not like a specific web page, the fact is that I use internet because at the moment is really necessary. I say “necessary” because I need to share information, for example, about an investigation or for “visit” the people I know, is like a feeling that you have to check  the people you know is OK, I think this happen because we are human being… is a strange situation .

Now I do not use to use a web page because I want but I need to use it. In these cases I think I have preferences … but I do not want to talk about it. I know some people is addict to some web page… for example, Facebook. The owner of this web page has become multimillionaire because we use his creation… no commentaries about it.
Exist other type of web pages are useful, like the e-mail, I have to use it very often, because when you stay at home in the night you cannot go to the classmates ‘houses and nock at the door at the 3 a.m. for give an information about an investigation of the group, neither  you can give some message in a pigeon, neither you can travel to the farthest places to visit a friend ,but in this cases you can use a cell phone, but  these calls are really expensive (for the other countries). Finally al that you do depend of you and these situations can show to the other people how you are…I think. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Academy Is…

Well… I love The Academy Is… band (the name include the suspension points :) ).
This band was born on 2003 in Chicago, Illinois. The members was William Beckett (Bill), Michael Carden (Mike), Adam Siska (sisky business), Michael Guy Chislett and Adam Mrotek (The Butcher). I say “was” because since a couple of days the band announced the separation of two of the members: The Butcher and Michael, which is very sad to me, because I used to listen them music and new songs, it was my hobby.
Ok. They have 5 Cd´s: The Academy Is EP (2004), Almost here (2005), From the Carpet (2006), Santi (2007), Fast Times at Barrington High (2008) and Lost in a Pacific Time (2009), but the Cd´s I love are Santi and Fast Times at Barrington High.
They came to Chile the last 2009, and I could not go because my parents did not allow me and I can understand, but if I think this situation now… is really sad because this band now does not exist like I loved it and I won’t see the complete band ever. It will be as if they never existed… I do not think the situation is so terrible now, but in the moment, when I knew this, was horrible. A friend was really bad when she told me, now she get over it … hahaha… we have to continue with our own existence independent of the happens, we have to get the bad things over and overcome to the adversity… wow… it was a deep thought.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi!... well... 
This year I went to Iquique with my cousins and the experience was nice. We went on February 2010 and we were there for one week.
One day (specifically a Sunday), a cousin ordered us (to all the “children” of the family) we had to wash the dishes… it was strange, but we did it. She, when we finished, told us: “all that you do have reward”. We did not understand in that moment… we understood when she told us: “did you remember when I told you that you had to wash all the dishes?... I have a surprise for you… And in this moment she begun to take out of her wallet a couple of papers meanwhile she was saying: “I have this!... all that you do will have a reward!”. So … in this moment I realized that this paper were 8 airplane´s tickets, and later she said: “ we going to go to Iquique”… we were very exited… I was shocked, and my cousins begun to cry… we were really happy.
This picture has been taken in Iquique. In the picture appears 5 of my cousins and me in front of the park tower`s clock in a beautiful day, the other 2 cousins do not appear in the picture, because they was taking the pictures. That travel was awesome. The landscapes was incredible, history was very interesting and because we were together.


Hi!... well... 
This year I went to Iquique with my cousins and the experience was nice. We went on February 2010 and we were there for one week.
One day (specifically a Sunday), a cousin ordered us (to all the “children” of the family) we had to wash the dishes… it was strange, but we did it. She, when we finished, told us: “all that you do have reward”. We did not understand in that moment… we understood when she told us: “did you remember when I told you that you had to wash all the dishes?... I have a surprise for you… And in this moment she begun to take out of her wallet a couple of papers meanwhile she was saying: “I have this!... all that you do will have a reward!”. So … in this moment I realized that this paper were 8 airplane´s tickets, and later she said: “ we going to go to Iquique”… we were very exited… I was shocked, and my cousins begun to cry… we were really happy.
This picture has been taken in Iquique. In the picture appears 5 of my cousins and me in front of the park tower`s clock in a beautiful day, the other 2 cousins do not appear in the picture, because they was taking the pictures. That travel was awesome. The landscapes was incredible, history was very interesting and because we were together.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

London :)

Well, I was very absent-minded and I think now is too little too late, but for me, it does not matter, I´m going to write.
The laaaaaaaaast Tuesday I realized is not so complicated to travel to London, because all the information is on internet. In this place there is many places you can visit if you want, and like I said, is not complicated find out about ticket´s prices, tube´s station, the opening, and the zone where is located the place you want visit, just you have to have lucky when you are searching for the information and find the correct web page, due to on internet is too much web sites where you can find it and is not correct, like happened me sometimes when I was searching the London zones.
This activity was interesting, because I learned too much about the different places I would visit, now I do not have to spend the money, but I think this is not really possible, because I need this money for the photocopies! Hahaha. Someday I will visit London, I will go to all the places I was finding out and I will be very happy in this places!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


…My favorite song in English???
Well, my favorite song in English at the moment is… ok… I have to confess something… at the moment I do not have time to hear music… I like almost all the songs, with exceptions…
One month ago my favorite song was “wanderwall” by Oasis. I do not remember when I heard it the first time, but I remember the last year my friend Alejandra, in her mobile phone has this song.
When I heard it I remembered I´ve heard during too much time, I did not know the band, so now I know.
Other band I love is “The academy is…”, and I love all their songs, I love their rhythm …
Both band are indie, is a kind of music independent, this is the origin of the word.
Two years ago The Academy Is… came to Chile, I could go but I did not go… Alejandra wined a double ticket to go to the concert, this information was in her e-mail, but she did not check it, so we did not know she have this tickets and we did not go… this situation was sad… we were both crying during a month…
This is the past.  And now, when they´ll come back to Chile I´ll try to go to the concert and enjoy!!!
The next song... is a sad song... but I think he want to say something about men´s behavior.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I do not know if I like too much the technology. Just I like it. But I love my video camera!
I have a video camera and when I have time and the camera keeps with full battery I record the events around me.
I got it since when I was 16 years old (two years ago) and was great, was a present for my birthday by my parents and I´m really grateful and in this moment I was very  amazed and happy.
I´m from far away, and now living here, in Santiago  and I decided I did not have to bring my video camera , but when I need it I will come back to my house and I´ll bring it back with me.
I use to use the video camera often in my house, when we have parties with all the family, because I like remember these great moments  and show them the recording  when this moment has gone.
I think if I would be without my video camera I will be sad and more sad if somebody would stole it me, because is mine!... I will be really sorry for my parents, because they made an effort to give me this present, I “say” this because the last year somebody stolen my mobile phone and this was not funny.
I think the technology can keep relating us and with this we can keep our memory alive with pictures and recordings.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the career I love :)

Well. I´m studying anthropology because when I had to decide the career I wanted to study I thought anthropology was a good idea. I “say” this because I was not really sure in that moment, due to I wanted to study laws. But this is the past, because I regretted of this possible choice and now I know I love anthropology.
In the third grade you can choose a specific area of the anthropology as physical anthropology, social anthropology and archaeology. I want to continue studying the last one (and is my favourite subject), because is very interesting to me and I will help to reconstruct the prehistory.  I want to try to understand why history happened this way and what is the relation between the artifacts, the people and the environment. Especially in the cases referred to the human behaviors, and the places where you can find these artifacts.  You have to know infer all around of you if you want to understand the history.
I think I will not regret of this career although my choice was really hurried, because I know I´m in the right moment and in the right place.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I want to tell you something about a travel... my travel.
I did go to Humberstone the last summer and I can say that this place is incredible if you like archaeology. Is a place in the middle of the desert and this place was abandoned when the source of work of this people was finished.
 I went with my cousins like a tourist .
Now there´s no people living there and there´s all the things that they were use to use.  Is like this people  just dissappear of there, because the houses and the institutions stay there in a good condition if you consider that this place was abandoned almost  one century ago. You can to come in the houses and see how were their  life in this time. Is awesome like the things are preserved, because are toys, diches, tools and things like this.
Is a big place which  you can walk around and visit the other institutions inside Humberstone. For example, I saw a theather, the houses, a central park, a hotel ( is beautiful) , a swimming pool (of  cooper) which is really big and a hospital. I came in to all this places, but I was more time inside the hospital. The hospital was interesting, beacuse when you are inside you feel that something  is not usual, there´s something in the atmosphere,  well I think this because was alone , was  really dark and beacuse I could hear the wind very powerful shaking the roof.
It  was a great experience and I would like come back there.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

first post

I´m Inguer, I´m 18 years old, I´m from Doñihue , almost a little place next to Rancagua.
I would like to learn a perfect English, because is very neccessary today and because I have to read like 3 archaeology´s texts in this languaje for a test.    I think I can.   I know I can.
See you!