Is curious the interview to Sir Ken Robinson is about the topic of education, because it want to say this topic is not just in Chile as at the moment, the topic is related with too much countries, but about different “places”, I mean different postures about it. This interview is interesting, but I want to comment some points about his opinion about the creativity and the education in a school.
Respect “of be wrong” like said Sir Robinson in the interview, I think the children have to be wrong at least once in them life, because I believe the mistake make you strong and later, when you are living the same situation you can say: “ I lived a similar situation, now I know what I have to do”. The mistakes make you take a good choice to do something or take a decision.
Sir Robinson thinks creativity is just about the arts and I do not think so. You can be like an artist being a humanist or studying math, I do not think is necessary know arts to be creative. Each people have different ways to show her/him ingenious. They can write, speak, paint, dance, sing, run, learn, etc., depend of you if you are creative, what you do depend of the way you do which are you doing, with passion, interesting or other.
When a person want to educate to her/him daughter/son in a school, in this moment something happen with the kid. When a kid start to studying in a school, there the people who teach are limiting the creativity of the children, are telling them how they have to be and what they have to do.
I think is necessary to learn something about all and I consider when you are learning something new, you can show what you know as you want, always remembering the respect to the other people.
I agree, Sir Robinson is one more in this large discussion, our mission such a student is fight for change this situation...
ReplyDeleteI agree, but it's not just school killing creativity, it's the whole society based on the economic principes of maximize profit
ReplyDeleteI think that we have to learn about everything but I belive that in our society we don't get the same status to math or arts, both are really fundamental but the system considerers more important math and that's wrong.
ReplyDeleteI'm agree with Paxi, the education is only a product of a model in crisis. It's necessary change both.
ReplyDeleteBut, is really difficult to change both, I think it will never happen, at least in the short time.
ReplyDeleteI think that this author is right about his ideas but at least in Chile, it's difficult to achieve changes proposed by Robinson.
ReplyDeleteWell, write and talk in public is an art. We can turn anything in art!