Thursday, June 23, 2011

Children, education and creativity...

Is curious the interview to Sir Ken Robinson is about the topic of education, because it want to say this topic is not just in Chile as at the moment, the topic is related with too much countries, but about different “places”, I mean different postures about it. This interview is interesting, but I want to comment some points about his opinion about the creativity and the education in a school.
Respect “of be wrong” like said Sir Robinson in the interview, I think the children have to be wrong at least once in them life, because I believe the mistake make you strong and later, when you are living the same situation you can say: “ I lived a similar situation, now I know what I have to do”. The mistakes make you take a good choice to do something or take a decision.
Sir Robinson thinks creativity is just about the arts and I do not think so. You can be like an artist being a humanist or studying math, I do not think is necessary know arts to be creative. Each people have different ways to show her/him ingenious. They can write, speak, paint, dance, sing, run, learn, etc., depend of you if you are creative, what you do depend of the way you do which are you doing, with passion, interesting or other.
When a person want to educate to her/him daughter/son in a school, in this moment something happen with the kid. When a kid start to studying in a school, there the people who teach are limiting the creativity of the children, are telling them how they have to be and what they have to do.
I think is necessary to learn something about all and I consider when you are learning something new, you can show what you know as you want, always remembering the respect to the other people.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well… now I have Freedom and I do not know what I can write… ok…
Somebody has said when the people have freedom to talk about something, we use to have problems, and I believe him, because at the moment I have problems to talk about something. I do not want to say I have problems with my freedom, just I want to say when we have limits, sometimes is easier to do something.
For me, is very common to hear the people when a professor told us we have to do a test about a topic you want. I think this situation happen because you want to talk about everything and you do not know what you have to say, I think is a problem with main ideas about all you’ll say. I have survivors of this situation! He he he.
Sometimes we have too much to say and sometimes we do not. Sometimes we think we can vomit too many words in the same moment and other times we do not know how we can say something, because we want to say is bigger than a word we would use. For this situations, some people write songs, poems or do things to explain what´s happening them, and something like this… Sometimes just we want to stay quiet and in silence. These situations happen, I do not think so very often, but happen.
We have to say all we want respecting the people who is next to you, some people do this, but this show a problem sometimes, because the people think you are a bad person. I think when you say which you want to say you can feel relaxing and feel better with you and with the other people… my thoughts… J

Wednesday, June 8, 2011



ell… I do not like a specific web page, the fact is that I use internet because at the moment is really necessary. I say “necessary” because I need to share information, for example, about an investigation or for “visit” the people I know, is like a feeling that you have to check  the people you know is OK, I think this happen because we are human being… is a strange situation .

Now I do not use to use a web page because I want but I need to use it. In these cases I think I have preferences … but I do not want to talk about it. I know some people is addict to some web page… for example, Facebook. The owner of this web page has become multimillionaire because we use his creation… no commentaries about it.
Exist other type of web pages are useful, like the e-mail, I have to use it very often, because when you stay at home in the night you cannot go to the classmates ‘houses and nock at the door at the 3 a.m. for give an information about an investigation of the group, neither  you can give some message in a pigeon, neither you can travel to the farthest places to visit a friend ,but in this cases you can use a cell phone, but  these calls are really expensive (for the other countries). Finally al that you do depend of you and these situations can show to the other people how you are…I think.