Wednesday, June 8, 2011



ell… I do not like a specific web page, the fact is that I use internet because at the moment is really necessary. I say “necessary” because I need to share information, for example, about an investigation or for “visit” the people I know, is like a feeling that you have to check  the people you know is OK, I think this happen because we are human being… is a strange situation .

Now I do not use to use a web page because I want but I need to use it. In these cases I think I have preferences … but I do not want to talk about it. I know some people is addict to some web page… for example, Facebook. The owner of this web page has become multimillionaire because we use his creation… no commentaries about it.
Exist other type of web pages are useful, like the e-mail, I have to use it very often, because when you stay at home in the night you cannot go to the classmates ‘houses and nock at the door at the 3 a.m. for give an information about an investigation of the group, neither  you can give some message in a pigeon, neither you can travel to the farthest places to visit a friend ,but in this cases you can use a cell phone, but  these calls are really expensive (for the other countries). Finally al that you do depend of you and these situations can show to the other people how you are…I think. 


  1. Some day I could teach you how download movies!

  2. Interesting point of view about Internet. You're the first person that write something like this and not lies for to please other persons.

  3. Well done Inguer..we should't be slaves of the internet, although it has become very, very necessary.
    And yes, Mark Zuckenberg (I think that´s his name) has become a millionaire because of facebook, and that's not his fault but ours.

  4. Hahahahaha you are so funny, anyway, your're right
